Top 16 Twitter chats for social media and PR pros

Many great Twitter chats happen each week, driving conversations and facilitating collaboration among social media professionals. Simply Measured started with Robert Swanwick’s list of more than 620 Twitter chats. It selected 13 popular marketing chats and tracked its...

How to explain the value of PR to potential clients

I am cheating. Found this article on Ragan’s PR Daily (one of my favourite sites) that explains something I try all the time and I am sure so do other PR agencies. Its especially difficult for the smaller, local clients that have never considered PR or even...

A CEO’s guide to media relations

We’re cheating this morning. But this guest post by Rand Fishkin, CEO and co-founder of SEOmoz, was very good and made some points we’ve raised with our clients. Here are some of his recommendations but for the full list, go to the article on Ragan’s...

Managing expectations

I grew up being told that if you don’t expect anything, when you do get it, it will make you happy. In principal, this is what I am really aiming for. As a race, we all have expectations – from our family, friends, partners, clients, suppliers, community...

Ignorance is no longer bliss

I came across this article (of course through social media) and completely agree with it: The 7 B2B Sins of Social Media Ignorance (a very good analogy in line with the deadly ones) by Andrew Moravick.  I can’t believe that people still use the cliched excuses...
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