How to explain the value of PR to potential clients

I am cheating. Found this article on Ragan’s PR Daily (one of my favourite sites) that explains something I try all the time and I am sure so do other PR agencies. Its especially difficult for the smaller, local clients that have never considered PR or even...

Defending our reputation

As one of my favourite PR practitioners is wont to say, PR is about creating and managing a reputation of a client. As a PR agency, you take the onus of ensuring that your clients’ best interests are looked after,with the faith that they will look after yours. In the...

Using Twitter for Social Media Marketing

Today, no introduction is required for Twitter – the wildly popular microblogging service that lets you pour your thoughts in a maximum of 140 characters. Altough Tweets were technically supposed to answer the question, “What are you doing?” Twitter has...


Every business/organisation has different needs and MBI tailors its resources accordingly. At MBI’s core is a focus to improve a company’s bottom line, ensuring  it achieves its goals. All our clients receive individual attention to detail. We are...
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