A blurry line between social and official

Image by Intersection Consulting via Flickr A client has been telling us consistently that social media is not really for them since they are in a very specific B2B market and social media doesn’t really affect them. I proved them otherwise. A week ago, I had an...

Tips for Social Media and Social Networking Success

It’s no secret that social media and social networks should be an integral part of your online marketing strategy. Social media and social networks are the internet’s version of viral messaging and marketing. It can be used to disseminate news or information, as...

PR 2.0: The Future of Communication

Over the past few days, I have been leafing through Deirdre Breakenridge’s newest book , “PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences.” Indeed, an interesting topic, especially in these times of economic slowdown. In his book, Deirdre talks about...
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