Mitch Joel on Marketing Yourself

I like Mitch Joel’s blog- Six Pixels of Separation. The posts are thought provoking and are quite a good outline on how to leverage online resources.

Today’s post touches on a subject that I personally feel quite strongly about.

LinkedIn recommendations
I was once asked by a client about how genuine some of the recommendations are on LinkedIN. He thought they were fake. So I asked him if he could look at a recommendation on any of his contacts on LinkedIn and tell me if (a) the person that recommended his contact did not really work with the contact or (b) what the recommendation said about the contact was wrong, then would he flag it. Whether publicly or privately. The power of social media is that even if my client would not pick up the phone or send a message to his LinkedIn contact – there would be someone in his network that probably would. Social media does keep us honest. Which means that a vast majority (thankfully) makes a recommendation based on a real interaction. There should be no other kind.

There are many bloggers that feel that they ‘have’ to write something. I agree with Mitch in this post when he says that Blog posts should not be just for the sake of a post. If the writer does not bring integrity and value to his (her) postings, then they’re bound to lose followers too.

New media is democratic – if there is no integrity, you will lose your credibility and often followers.

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