
Found this interesting post on debating the merits of bloggers vs journalists at events. For some it may be a fad but as an agency, there are some very interesting blogs out there that are probably better followed for content than the mainstream papers. Especially since some of them focus on the niche areas that our clients focus on.

There is no denying that there are as many BAD bloggers blowing their own trumpet as there are BAD journalists working for some of the most sought after media,  I would not ignore the media. However, here are a couple of reasons why (for some) the bloggers hold an edge.

Bloggers are independent.

Bloggers are independent in that they do not have an hierarchy/management to report to. Really good bloggers will have their own self-imposed guidelines, ethics and a particular focus on their blogs and are open to new ideas and opportunities. Not saying that journalists aren’t (open to new ideas and opportunities – the good ones are) but they don’t often have the freedom (or the inclination) to move away from their remit to look for a new angle. Or open to a point of view different from them.

Bloggers are easier to deal with (from a brand/agency point of view)

Because most often the good and popular blogs are managed by people that are passionate about what they do and not just a job, they don’t have massive egos to deal with. Not that there aren’t egotistical bloggers (I am sure there are) but mostly I like them for their honesty. More often than not – they will respond to you even to say no, and when they say yes, they turn up. I know of only a handful of editors (in this region) that show a brand or an agency that courtesy. Forget about responding to your email, they don’t even bother to respond clearly when you call them or call to let you know they’ve changed their mind.

At the end of the day, its about a balanced message and neither can be ignored not given additional importance. They fulfil different needs and roles.

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